I remember in high school I went to an exhibit by the AP Photography students and that’s when I fell totally in love with photography as an art (and particularly the macro lens). So, a million years later (this summer) I finally invested in a proper camera and . . . am having major difficulties.

I’m in law school, have three four part time jobs, joined one of the law journals, am an executive member of a campus organization, and am desperately seeking a brilliant summer job. Finding the time to shoot is kind of an issue and consequently I haven’t been able to progress much so far. I’m not discouraged by the lack of quality shots, but I do wish I had the time to practice more.

Tips and feedback are totally welcome. Well, tips more than feedback, since I know my skill isn’t too great at the moment. Thanks for visiting!

p.s. the day in the picture, that was a good day

p.p.s. i look like such a serious law student, yes?

p.p.p.s. (bear with me during the theme change. right now i’m too lazy to downsize the gigantic pictures littering this site; wordpress doesn’t make it easy, trust me.)

3 Responses to “About Miss T”

  1. Love the pic. Was there a Gaussian blur involved?

  2. canadiangosling Says:

    You betcha. And a jillion curves layers and adjustment layers

  3. emin Says:

    the ONLY thing holding you back from being an amazing photographer is that nothing you ever point your lens at will ever come close to being as beautiful as what’s behind your viewfinder.

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